• The Wellbeing Campus' vision is to create workplaces where employees thrive, find fulfilment, and achieve holistic wellbeing, fostering a culture of health, happiness, and productivity.

  • Our mission is to partner with organisations to enhance workplace wellbeing by providing comprehensive programs, resources, and support that prioritise the physical, mental, and emotional health of employees, resulting in increased engagement, satisfaction, and overall organisational success.

Melbourne’s Leading Provider of

Mental Health First Aid courses

What we do

  • Leading Workplace Wellbeing Provider: Wellbeing Campus is a leading provider of workplace wellbeing with a core focus on promoting mental health and overall wellbeing in both workplace and community settings. This emphasis reflects their belief that the foundation of a strong community lies in the wellbeing of its individuals.

  • Extensive Experience: Wellbeing Campus boasts a track record of collaboration with over 250 local and international organisations. Notably, we’ve successfully conducted workshops that have provided training to more than 7,000 staff members.

  • Addressing Stigma and Mental Health: Recognising the negative impact of the stigma surrounding mental ill-health, Wellbeing Campus offers psychoeducation and Mental Health First Aid training programs. These programs play a vital role in reducing stigma and equipping managers and staff with the tools to prevent, recognise, and respond to common mental health challenges.

Comprehensive Consultancy Services: Wellbeing Campus goes beyond training programs. They extend their support through consultancy services that encompass various aspects such as wellbeing pulse checks, individual coaching, Sobriety Coaching, team/group facilitation, as well as policy and program development. This comprehensive approach is deeply rooted in the values of social work.

Diverse Training Programs: Wellbeing Campus provides a wide array of training options including in-house Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), customised workshops, and training covering topics such as Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Techniques, Resilience, Bullying, self-care, meditation, and yoga. These programs are carefully designed to bolster the well-being of staff, volunteers, and teams.

Global Reach: While based in Melbourne, Wellbeing Campus extends its services throughout Australia and beyond. We can travel to various locations to facilitate the growth and development of staff, volunteers, and teams, emphasising our commitment to nurturing wellbeing on a global scale.

Melissa Hardy - Director

Melissa Hardy is an Accredited social worker, international speaker, facilitator, trainer, community development specialist and Licensed Principal Master Mental Health First Aid Instructor based in Melbourne. She has over 20 years of experience working in various sectors including – not-for-profit, public and private hospitals, multinational non-government organisations, schools, health, local government, and state government.

Melissa's expertise lies in the fields of workplace wellbeing, psychosocial risk, mental health, drug and alcohol and community development. Melissa facilitates corporate wellbeing programs incorporating mental health literacy, psychosocial safety and risk, Mental Health First Aid, workplace wellbeing, self-care & resilience, yoga, and meditation. She has specialist skills in community development, social change, reflective practice, mental health and community facilitation.

Melissa also has experience delivering training to multi-national corporations, geographically dispersed teams, VCAL students, women's organisations, people living with a disability, local and state government staff, sporting clubs, volunteer groups and not-for-profit leaders. She also has experience working one-on-one with young people and adults who live with a mental illness.

People describe Melissa's teaching and coaching style as warm, adaptable, approachable, friendly and professional. To find out more about how we can help you contact the Wellbeing Campus today.


Master of Social Change and Development (University of Newcastle)

Graduate Certificate in International and Community Development (Deakin University)

Bachelor of Social Work (Deakin University)

Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (Fortress Learning)


Training shouldn't be boring, but more a learning opportunity for potential growth both personally and professionally